Unveiling the smart digital catalog of Sharifabad Agriculture and Sanat Company

کشت و صنعت شریف آباد

Unveiling the smart digital catalog of Sharifabad Agriculture and Sanat Company
According to the public relations report of the Sharif Abad Agriculture and Industry Company, on the eve of the blessed month of Sha’ban and the blessed birth of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and the faithful companions of Hazrat Abul Fazl al-Abbas and Imam Zain al-Abidin, with the aim of enabling easy access and in line with the realization of a part of the process Smart, the company’s catalog was designed and implemented electronically
This action is in order to provide the necessary background to provide access to all expert groups in the field of livestock, agriculture and dairy products to the latest statistics of the company in the catalog in order to preserve and retrieve the information that was previously available to the Kowsar agricultural group.

The main objectives of digital catalog design
– Eliminate the printing step and save paper consumption
– Ability to choose a password
– The possibility of publishing on a flash drive and CD
– The possibility of posting on social networks
– Possibility of easy transportation
– Ability to work on all electronic systems
– Longer lasting than the printed version and less damage
– The possibility of simultaneous playback and sounding, mixing, photos, music and movies
– The possibility of unlimited and free publishing on the website


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